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Dog’s Facial Muscles

According to the researchers, domestication changed the structure of dogs' facial muscles interact with humans. Dogs can lift the inner brow intensely, but wolves cannot, and behavioral evidence suggests that dogs can create eyebrow movement considerably more frequently and with more intensity than wolves.

Scientists believe that the expressive brows in dogs are the product of selection depending on human tastes.

 The tale of canine cognitive development appears to be one of the cognition capacities tailored for a close cooperative connection with humans. Because dogs design to pick up human signals, our lab employs dogs as a comparison group to examine what makes human social learning unique. A recent Yale research, for example, discovered that while dogs and toddlers respond to the same nonverbal interactions, dogs were better at identifying which behaviors were strictly essential to solve a problem, such as collecting food from a receptacle and disregarding superfluous "poor counsel." Human children tended to copy their elders' acts, implying that their education had a different purpose than their ancestors.

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