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Hugging is a natural way for us to demonstrate our love for those we care about, but hugs aren't always reciprocated when it comes to our animal family members. Although humans connect hugs with love and affection, many pets do not. There are several reasons why your dog may not enjoy being cuddled. If you embrace them tightly, they may feel restrained and therefore unable to escape, which might be frightening if their usual reaction to predators is to flee. Perhaps your dog just dislikes having its private space violated. Finally, your pet may be suffering from an ailment that you are unaware of, such as an ear infection, a strained ligament, or arthritis, and you may not be aware of it.

If your dog is tight or tries to flee, he may be trying to warn you that he isn't a hugger. “If you let your dog down after a cuddle and he/she runs away every time he/she sees you, it is an indicator that your pet is not grateful for your cuddling affliction. If dogs let you hold him easily and purrs loudly, on the other hand, he's undoubtedly grateful for the embrace.

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