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Fox News


Renowned pet industry expert Charlotte Reed talks about Zippy Dynamics on the local Baltimore NBC Station! She talks about the various features in detail and the amazing chic design! "The suit keeps your dog warm while protecting them from the cold and the rain." -Charlotte Reed


Fox News"With these suits, even your dog will know you take fitness seriously. Dogs may not care what they wear while exercising, but that doesn't mean you don't have to. If your favorite fitness pal just happens to be your pup, then why not dress them up in their very own doggy jogging suit?" -SheKnows

Dog Sized

"Zippy Dynamics makes excellent dog coats. We were first attracted to them because of their sporty, modern style. We also loved the fact that their dog jackets don’t just cover the body/girth of the dog, but also the legs and arms. This is particularly helpful if your dog easily gets dirty, especially if they’re low to the ground." -DogSized

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