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Whether you buy a collar or harness for your dog for the first time or replace one that's wearing out, it's essential to understand that an assortment of collars and harnesses work for different dogs in different circumstances.


Essentially with purchasing Harness you'll need to make sure you select the correct extent harness for your dog. A harness fits if you can slip one finger between your dog's skin and the harness is for small dogs or if you can fit two fingers between your dog's skin and the harness for large-breed dogs.

We have created Zippy Dynamics Trendy Parka with a built-in harness, which has all benefits of a regular Harness, and the whole process of getting dressed is so quick and easy.

Harnesses reduce pulling:

Harnesses include the dog's chest, shoulders, and top back, separating pressure over a broader coverage area than a collar giving you better control over your dog.

Harnesses do not put pressure on your dog's neck:

As harnesses fasten, covering the dog's chest and not around the neck, they do not set stress on the trachea.

This delivers them paradigm for pets with neck obstructions, a collapsing trachea, or narrowed airways, says Arndt. A harness can also help counter these issues from arising. 

Harnesses tend to be more secure: 

Harnesses are usually better at anticipating accidents because they hold more securely around your dog's body. So while pups can indeed move out of their collars and potentially run into traffic or another person's yard, harnesses offer much more security and safety.

Harnesses are less convenient:

A collar can slide on, but harnesses take longer to fasten.

Harnesses can be uncomfortable:

Harnesses are more massive than collars, so that they can be more uncomfortable for your dog. Also, some pups don't like wearing harnesses, so it can take time to get used to walking with one.



Different collars to take to flat collars work for dogs.

Keeping collars that know how to exercise on a rope without pulling; limited-slip kind of collars great for your dog whose necks are about the exact size as their heads and can move out of flat collars; rolled collars work fine to hold your dog's ID, but won't matt the hair beneath them.

We have created Zippy Dynamics Softy Vest with a built-in collar with all the benefits of a regular collar. But the chances of hurting themselves or reducing the airflow are significantly less. The whole process of getting dressed is so quick and easy.

Collars are more convenient:

The main advantage of collars is that they can be left on at all times, instead of a harness, which should only be concentrated during walks. And even if you prefer not to transmit your dog's collar on at all times, it's still much more accessible to close a collar on and off than a harness.

Collars hold ID tags:

Collars typically originate with a metal ring where you can attach your pet's ID tag with your address or phone number. The dog gets lost.

Collars are unsafe for dogs with specific medical issues:

Avoid using collars to walk dogs with medical problems such as glaucoma, a history of proposed eye, neck injuries, or spinal malformations.

Collars are not safe for dogs that pull:

If they constantly pull upon their collar, they can hurt themselves or reduce the airflow they are getting. In addition, when attached to a leash, all collars perform pulling on the trachea and vertebrae of the throat. With excessive pulling, there is a risk of diminishing airflow into the dog or developing pain by causing a burden on the pet's vertebrae.

A collar may be more comfortable to exercise if you go on a short walk or step outside quickly. However, it is okay to practice a collar on longer walks if your vet provides you with fresh light.

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