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When you add a furry friend to your home, you are super excited, and on the other side, your dog friend could be exciting. And Yes, it could be more exciting than buying new designer dog clothes for them. Owners who want to understand better their canine companions must recognize that puppies see the world from a different optical perspective. The differences start with the structure of the eye. We have a good idea of what dogs know because we know the make-up of the retina of a dog's eye. For example, there's a usual misconception that dogs can only see in black and white — in reality, they can see colors like black, white blue, and yellow but not red or green.

However, canines have more rods (Rod cells are very sensitive and work well in low light and detect the smallest movement) in their eyes, which provides them with better nighttime vision. You may be assuming while knowing a dog's color range is an impressive piece of trivia, it doesn't matter from a puppy training perspective. After all, we aren't training dogs to manipulate, so it doesn't matter if they can see red stop signs or green lights. However, their coloring vision is much more limited than humans. Canines also have some vision benefits over humans, like seeing more clearly in the dark. So, you can walk with your puppy but make sure you don't go outside without dog collars. Buy designer dog collars to protect your dog and secure him.

Do Dogs Are Really Color-Blind?

Most puppy lovers know the answer to this query. Are dogs color blind? The answer is "Yes," canines are color blind." But that doesn't signify what you think. Dogs are color blind in the procedural sense. Because they can see specific colors such as yellows and blue, however, being color blind doesn't mean a dog can't see any color; color-blind humans and dogs can see color, but they see color differently. In the past, researchers believed that puppies didn't rely on color to decide what objects were. However, a new study has confirmed this is a misconception, and puppies can use color to discriminate between things. In addition, the researchers found that dogs could sense objects from their colors instead of by the level of brightness, which signifies your dog may be able to learn the colors of things.

How does a dog's eyesight compare to human vision?

Just because dogs do not enjoy the entire spectrum of color that humans do, that does not mean they cannot perceive different colors. They may not see the exact color of an object.

Range of color

The eye has many complex mechanisms for processing light, with the retina doing a big part of the work. It's also where the differences between dog vision and human vision are most evident.

Wider degree of peripheral vision

Predators like humans and dogs have their eyes located in the front of their hands to perceive depth. Dogs lack full-color vision, but they make up with their amazing peripheral vision capability. While humans have many views that spread to 180 degrees, canines can see 240 degrees, giving them a nearly panoramic view. Dog eyes are set wider apart than ours also allows them to see things that we would have to turn our heads to notice.

Motion perceptiveness

Dogs are more sensitive to differences in motion than humans. So, we can barely visualize our furry friends walking restlessly with a dog harness leash at nighttime. Still, their ability to easily detect motion, combined with their excellent vision in dim light, made them fearless night hunters in their wild days.

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